Tim Salmon
Marine innovation Mentor
With over 20 years’ experience working in Cornish small to medium businesses, Tim has a comprehensive understanding of how to improve efficiency and implement change, combined with the need to be flexible and grow. With a keen eye for detail and a desire to continuously improve, he has enhanced the efficiency of processes, customer services and systems of numerous businesses he has worked for.
Tim has been closely involved in all areas of business, from internal focuses including manufacturing production and risk management, to external focuses of analysing trends impacting the industry to diversification into differing market sectors.
With a passion for the maritime industry and environment, as well as working within the offshore renewables, oil and gas and shipping industry, he has developed a broad knowledge of offshore and marine markets with focus on their operations, demands and future plans.
He is a firm believer in the Cornish marine sector having an opportunity to become a world leader and innovator on the global stage and is driven to support that aim.
“Having the opportunity to contribute to such an important aspect of Cornish industry is a proud moment in my life. I feel we, at Cornwall Marine Network, have such a critical role to play in the ongoing development and improvement of the Cornish Marine industry.
As a Marine Innovation Mentor through the European Regional Development Funded project to build a culture of innovation and collaboration in marine SME’s, we have the opportunity to put Cornwall firmly on the global stage as a leader for all marine sectors, from leisure to renewable energy to traditional boatbuilding. We have and can attract the skills to put the county firmly at the forefront on innovation.
It’s an exciting time for Cornwall’s marine businesses and I’m keen to positively contribute to such an important and fascinating part of the county’s principal industry.”
Tel: 01326 211382
Mobile: 07908 067471
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